Середа, січня 22, 2025


From June 20 to July 12, 2022, at the Microbiology, Virology and Biotechnology Department of the Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University the XVII International Summer School for young scientists, postgraduates and masters in molecular biology, biotechnology and biomedicine was held.

  As part of the 17th Summer School the Laboratory course "Cloning, expression and purification of recombinant proteins" was held from June 20 to 25. The course participants including students, postgraduates and young scientists worked in the laboratory of the Microbiology, Virology and Biotechnology Department. The classes were conducted online by scientists PhD Oleksiy Schmidt and PhD Olena Rakhimova from the Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics Department of Umeå University (Sweden), and in the laboratory of the Microbiology, Virology and Biotechnology Department in Odesa by PhD. Andriy Merlich and PhD Nadiia Korotaieva. The participants of the practical course had the opportunity to purify plasmid DNA, conduct PCR products electrophoretic purification, perform restriction and ligation of vectors and DNA fragments with subsequent bacteria transformation.
From June 23 to 24 the Practical seminar “Challenges and perspectives of online learning in higher education institutions” was held as part of the Summer School. Scientific and educational workers from 9 higher education institutions took part in the seminar. Among them were 7 Ukrainian universities: Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Pirogov National Medical University, SHU «Uzhhorod National University», Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Odesa National Medical University, Karazin Kharkiv National University and two foreign ones – Nikolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, Republic of Moldova and Umeå University, Sweden.

The seminar was opened by the Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University rector professor Vyacheslav Truba. 44 academicians participated in the seminar, 30 of them presented their reports on their experience in organization and holding online classrooms on biomedical disciplines. Within the seminar a round table discussion was held, at which teachers and the ONU Biological faculty student self-government invited representatives discussed the main challenges of online education and the ways to overcome them.
From June 27 to July 8, the Lectures course was held online as part of the Summer School. The course of lectures was opened by the organizing committee head prof. Volodymyr Ivanytsia and NASU academician, the O. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry NASU director Serhiy Komisarenko. 215 young scientists, graduate students and students from Ukraine, USA, Bangladesh, Georgia, Ecuador, Egypt, Israel, India, Iran, Canada, Kenya, Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, Nigeria, Germany, Pakistan, Turkey, Macedonia, Estonia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Armenia participated in the Lecture course.
Leading scientists from France, Georgia, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine and the USA gave lectures on modern achievements of molecular biology, biotechnology and biomedicine, in particular from the O.V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry NASU, Kharkiv V.N. Karazin National University, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, D.K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, EXPLODJEN Society, Lviv, Research Center LLC "YURiA FARM", Dnipro State Medical University, Ukraine, Lviv Danylo Halytskyi National Medical University, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland), Hannover Medical School, (Hannover, Germany), German Cancer Research Center (Heidelberg, Germany), Nantes University (France), Umeå University (Sweden), University of Leuven (Belgium), Autonomous University Barcelona (Spain), University of Southampton (Great Britain), Institute of Cancer Research (London, Great Britain), London Institute of Medical Sciences, Biotechnology Research Center (Canada).

  On the completion of the Summer School an online Conference of young scientists "Modern problems of biology, biotechnology and biomedicine" was held on July 11-12. During the conference 13 oral presentations were made and 7 poster presentations were presented. According to the conference results the participants` reports were recommended for publication in the Conference materials, and the best works - in the scientific journal "Microbiology and Biotechnology".


The XVII International Summer School for young scientists
«Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedicine»
Odesa 2022

From June 20 to July 12, 2022, Odesa Mechnikov National University holds the XVII International Summer School “Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedicine”.

Within the Summer School framework from June 20 to June 25 a laboratory course “Cloning, Protein Expression and Purification” is planned, if possible.
The number of participants is limited. Working language is English.

From June 27 to July 8 an online lecture course will be held. The reports of modern achievements of biology and biotechnology by leading scientists from Argentine, France,
Georgia, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine and USA will be performed within the Summer School framework.

The number of participants is not limited.
The Summer School working language is English.
Online platform – Zoom.

Young scientists, PhD-students and master students are welcome to apply!
Registration form for participation!

Application submission deadline – 25 June, 2022.
The secretary of the Summer School: Korotaieva Nadiia, bio.summerschool@onu.edu.ua

In the frame of the Summer School on July 11-12 the Conference of young scientists “Modern problems of Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedicine” will be held.
Conference language is English.
Online platform – Zoom
According to results of the conference the materials will be published. Best works will be published in the scientific journal “Microbiology and Biotechnology”.

Reports submission deadline - 4 July, 2022
Registration form for participation: https://forms.gle/2dbmpLkjYCHa53rT8
Executive secretary of the conference: Mykola Galkin, bio.summerschool@onu.edu.ua

Reports Requirements: Reports must be in English, no more than 8 pages in (*.rtf) Document format (Times New Roman, font 14, automatic interval, not more than 30 lines per page, margins 2 cm). File name must contain the name of the first author.
   Report structure: UDC indexes; Surnames and names of the authors (speaker surname must be underlined), ABSTRACT TITLE, official Name of the Organization, post address, e- mail; abstract (200 words maximum); key words (no more than five); text of the report must include such parts as: introduction; materials and methods; results and discussion; conclusions; reference list. Latin names of biological species and genera should be written in
italics. References are given in the text as numbers in square brackets. Tables must be compact, with numbers. Figures must be performed in precise drawings (with graphic editor in Word, TIF, JPG formats).
   Please, do not use any changes in register, fonts, text formatting, and underlining. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to edit text reports that are not designed according


XVII International Summer School for young scientists
«Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedicine»
Odesa, 2022

On April 29, 2022, applications will be accepted for the participation in the XVII International Summer School “Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedicine”,
which will be held from June 20 to July 12, 2022, at the Odesa Mechnikov National University.

Within the Summer School framework from June 20 to June 25 a laboratory course “Cloning, Protein Expression and Purification” is planned, if possible.
The number of participants is limited. Working language — English.

From June 27 to July 8 a lecture course will be held. Online platform — Zoom. The number of participants is not limited. Working language — English.

In the frame of the Summer School on July 11-12 the Conference for young scientists “Modern problems of Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedicine” will be held. The materials will be published according to the results of the conference.
Conference language — English. Online platform — Zoom.
Young scientists, PhD students and master students are welcome to apply for the international conference.


Location:  Faculty of Biology, Shampansky Lane, 2, Odesa, 65058

    Email:  bio.summerschool@onu.edu.ua