П'ятниця, березня 14, 2025
XIX International Summer School "Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, and Biomedicine"
   The Department of Microbiology, Virology, and Biotechnology at Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University held the XIX International Summer School "Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, and Biomedicine." This scientific event, held annually since 2005, aims to provide high-quality education, promote cutting-edge science, and support the development of young scientists, even amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine. The Summer School serves as a platform where Ukrainian students, graduate students, and young scientists from various countries can interact and listen to lectures from leading scientists worldwide on a wide range of topics in modern biology, biotechnology, and biomedicine.
  The Summer School includes a lecture course, a laboratory course, and a scientific conference for young scientists, conducted online via the ZOOM platform since 2020. The working language is English, and participation in the Summer School is free for all participants.

  This year, the Summer School registered a total of 500 participants, with 85% from Ukraine and 15% from other countries, including Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Germany, the USA, Greece, the Netherlands, Morocco, Egypt, India, and Turkey. Despite the challenging conditions related to power supply interruptions, about 200 participants attended the lectures daily.

The Summer School program featured lectures from 36 leading scientists from around the world:

  • Dr. Roberto Kolter (Harvard Medical School, USA) with the lecture "Thoughts on the Mode and Tempo of Bacterial Evolution."
  • Prof. Zofia Szweykowska (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) with the lecture "RNA Metabolism in Shaping Plant Response to Environmental Cues."
  • Dr. Peter C. Kahn (Rutgers University, USA) with the lecture "How Big is a Water Molecule, and Why Does It Matter?"
  • Dr. Jose Dominguez (Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute, Spain) with the lecture "Immunological Diagnosis of Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria Infections."
  • Dr. Wolfgang Baumeister (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany) with the lecture "Cryo Electron Tomography: Visualizing the Molecular Architecture of Cells."
  • Dr. Kai Blin (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) with the lecture "DTU Biosustain Genome Mining and AntiSMASH."
  • Dr. Leonid Schneider (ForBetterScience.com) with the lecture "Broken Science and How We Can Fix It."
  • Prof. Mart Krupovic (Institut Pasteur of Paris, France) with the lecture "Diversity, Origin, and Evolution of the Virosphere."
  • Prof. Adrian Goldman (University of Helsinki, Finland) with the lecture "Integral Membrane Pyrophosphatases: Structure, Function and Drug Design," among others.

Next year, the XX International Summer School is planned, which promises to be even more exciting and eventful. We are already looking forward to it and invite everyone interested to participate.

Thank you to all participants and lecturers for an unforgettable two weeks! See you at the next Summer School!

Video presentation of speakers



Location:  Faculty of Biology, Shampansky Lane, 2, Odesa, 65058

    Email:  bio.summerschool@onu.edu.ua