Субота, березня 29, 2025
The Conference of young scientists
“Modern problems of Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedicine”
11-12 July, 2022

In the frame of the Summer School on July 11-12 the Conference of young scientists “Modern problems of Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedicine” will be held.
Conference language is English.
Online platform – Zoom
According to results of the conference the materials will be published. Best works will be published in the scientific journal “Microbiology and Biotechnology”.

Reports submission deadline - 4 July, 2022
Registration form for participation!
Executive secretary of the conference: Mykola Galkin, bio.summerschool@onu.edu.ua

Reports Requirements: Reports must be in English, no more than 8 pages in (*.rtf) Document format (Times New Roman, font 14, automatic interval, not more than 30 lines per page, margins 2 cm). File name must contain the name of the first author.
   Report structure: UDC indexes; Surnames and names of the authors (speaker surname must be underlined), ABSTRACT TITLE, official Name of the Organization, post address, e-mail; abstract (200 words maximum); key words (no more than five); text of the report must include such parts as: introduction; materials and methods; results and discussion; conclusions; reference list. Latin names of biological species and genera should be written in italics. References are given in the text as numbers in square brackets. Tables must be compact, with numbers. Figures must be performed in precise drawings (with graphic editor in Word, TIF, JPG formats).
   Please, do not use any changes in register, fonts, text formatting, and underlining. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to edit text reports that are not designed according to the requirements.




Location:  Faculty of Biology, Shampansky Lane, 2, Odesa, 65058

    Email:  bio.summerschool@onu.edu.ua